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Professional Audiobook Package

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Professional Audiobook Package

In this fast-paced world, some readers prefer reading formats that are kinder to their multitasking ways—like audiobooks. This growing demand is evidently seen in the rise of daily downloads of audiobooks each year.

As a self-published author, you too can use the audiobook format to reach a wider audience. With the Falcon Book Publication's Professional Audiobook package, your readers can listen to your story anywhere and anytime.

  • Audiobook conversion of up to 5,000 words
  • Narration by a professional voice-over actor
  • Your own digital copy of the audiobook
  • Intro, beginning, and end background music for your audiobook
  • Availability of your audiobook through Overdrive, Audible.com, Amazon.com, and iTunes
  • Standard Page Design - You will have a say in creating visually appealing page designs bringing your story to life, and building your book's layout that fits your needs.
  • Amazon "Look Inside", Google, and Barnes & Noble "Read Instantly" Previews - Allow readers to take a peek inside your book creating interest online before purchasing it. Preview available on Amazon, Google, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Audiobook Sample: Male

Audiobook Sample: Female

Need your audiobook converted right away?

We can send you your audiobook in 30 days with our Rapid Release Audiobook service for an additional fee of $500. Please take note of the following conditions:

  • You need to approve the audiobook sample we will send you before we can get started on your audiobook. Your 30-day countdown will start from the day we receive your demo approval

Let’s Elevate Your Book

A Web-optimized, professionally written press release distributed to as many as 30,000 opt-in journalists and more than 250,000 news subscribers through our newswire service PRWeb, plus one month of news tracking.

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