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Book Binding Sizes And Types

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Book Binding Sizes And Types

Please note: These binding and paper options cannot be purchased separately. This page is designed to give you more information about the service and why it’s important for your book.

Falcon Book Publication publishes softcover books in perfect-bound format—a type of book binding that uses glue to hold the pages and cover together (typical of most professional books found in stores). For Black and White books, the hardcover edition features a durable cloth binding, a foil stamped spine, and a full-color dust jacket that allows room for descriptive copy about your book and your author biography on its inside flaps. Full color books in hardcover are perfect bound and printed with a glossy case-laminated cover. We do not publish wire-o, plasticomb, three-ring, nor spiral-bound books.

The chart below lists the binding and paper options available to you at Falcon Book Publication:

Black And White Print Options

Trim Size Cover Minimum Page # Maximum Page # Paper Specifications Paper Color
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème

Color Print Options

Trim Size Cover Minimum Page # Maximum Page # Paper Specifications Paper Color
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème

Color Hardcover

Trim Size Cover Minimum Page # Maximum Page # Paper Specifications Paper Color
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème
5" x 8" Softcover 48 900 50 lb, acid-free White or Crème

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